
React Final Form File Field

styled with prettier

Easily add a file upload field to your react-final-form form. FileField is agnostic about; how you store your files in the field, how you upload files, and how you display the files / uploader. But provides tools to make this easier.


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see Storybook

Basic Usage

The FilesField registers a field array, and provides props to render your file uploader.

<Form onSubmit={onSubmit} mutators={arrayMutators}>
    {({ handleSubmit }) => (
	<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
	    <FilesField name="files" onFileLoad={onFileLoad}>
		{({ uploadFiles, files }) => (
			// render uploader
			<button onClick={uploadFiles}>Upload Files</button>

			//render files
			{files.mapValues((file) => (<p>file</p>))}

However you can also use the useFilesField hook to achieve just the same thing. You just have to make sure you render the input that is used under-the-cover, the hook provides everything you need to pass it though.

const MyFileUploader = ({fieldName, onFileLoad, config}) => {
    const { uploadFiles, inputProps, files } = useFilesField(
	    // this will be hidden
	    <input {...inputProps} />

	    // render uploader
	    <button onClick={uploadFiles}>Upload Files</button>

	    //render files
	    {files.mapValues((file) => (<p>file</p>))}


The API for react-final-form-file-field consists of 2 components (FileItem and FilesField and 1 hook (useFilesField).


A component to represent a file. It selects the appropriate font-awesome icon based on the mime-type, and provides adds two buttons to delete and download the file.


All other props will be passed to the li element that makes up FileItem.